Monday, December 16, 2013

Letter of Concern

Jay Leaman

101 Reemich Ave

Penticton, B.C

V2A 3W6

December 16th, 2013


Miss Watchingu,

My name is Jay Leaman, and I am a student working for your “Student Pro Painters”. There are a few things that have come to my attention, and I was hoping that you would consider them. As you may know, your nephew, Joe, works with us as a painter. As of lately, he has been arriving late to work. I know that we all have things to do, but he has made a commitment to be here when he has to.

I have also noticed that Joe smokes. When her smokes he leaves so it doesn’t bother the rest of us, but he is taking extra breaks to go smoke and he is leaving his butts around. I understand that some people smoke a lot, but it would be very helpful if you could ask him to take less breaks, or shorter ones at least, and to put his butts in the designated places for them.

Some of the other employees have mentioned to me that Joe works at an inefficient pace, and it puts more work on us. I know we all have days where we just need a rest, but this is a reoccurring thing. The other employees and I would really appreciate it, if you would ask him to put a little more effort into his job.

From experience, everyone is tired after a long day of work. And Joe has adopted a no clean up policy. When we are done he goes to smoke or sits down. Would you please consider talking to Joe, to tell him that cleaning up is part of the job.

While I have been working here, I have overheard that Joe can be confrontational with some of the other employees.  From observing I have figured that it must be from the amount of work that Joe does. If you could find some time in your schedule to talk to him in person or as a group, it would be very much appreciated.

I understand after work, people just want to go home. I have seen Joe leave to go home early many times, letting the other employees finish his part and clean up. I think that it is unfair, because if everyone did that, there would be a lot unfinished and a lot to clean. Would you please consider talking to him to see why he leaves early?

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and think about it. If you would like to ask any questions, feel free to call me. I hope that we can work something out so everyone is happy.


Jane Watchingu,

123 Main St.

Penticton, B.C.,

V2A 3W8


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